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Topics: sulfate of potash / protassium / compass minerals

April 11, 2017

Want Higher Yield and Sugar Content? Why Orange Growers Choose Protassium+ SOP Fertilizer

Unwanted Side Effects Citrus growers know that a profitable yield can only be achieved when enough potassium is supplied. But is your potassium fertilizer also…

Topics: sulfate of potash / protassium / compass minerals

November 29, 2016

Potassium Fertilizers for Potatoes Go Head-to-Head

As a potato grower, you have a number of potash fertilizer sources to choose from. When you select a K fertilizer for your potato fields,…

Topics: potatoes / potash

Potatoes & Potash: Chapter 1

Mark Davis, senior agronomist with Compass Minerals®, discusses some of the new and profitable potato varieties undergoing Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash field trials in…

Topics: potatoes / potash

Potatoes & Potash: Chapter 2

Mark Davis, senior agronomist with Compass Minerals, and Sarah Light, graduate student from Oregon State University, discuss the highlights and insights from Protassium+® premium sulfate…

Topics: potatoes / potash

Potatoes & Potash: Chapter 3

Mark Davis, senior agronomist with Compass Minerals, and Don Horneck, professor from Oregon State University, discuss the importance of potassium for potatoes in Protassium+® premium…

Topics: potatoes / potash

Potatoes & Potash: Chapter 4

Mark Davis, senior agronomist with Compass Minerals, and Don Horneck, professor from Oregon State University, compare the differences and results of potassium sources used in…